As you all know I am a huge baseball fan. I spent much of my childhood playing the sport I love, all the while looking up to those superstars playing in Major League Baseball. I have spent countless days at Franklin-Covey Field in Salt Lake watching tomorrow’s stars compete. I love the game plain and simple.
A few days ago Sports Illustrated announced that Alex Rodriguez, the world’s best baseball player, had tested positive for steroids in 2003. Rodriguez just yesterday admitted to using performance enhancing drugs so that he could live up to the expectations that had been placed upon him.
Rodriguez was one of my favorite players, a man that I thought deserved a spot next to Gehrig, Ruth, and DiMaggio in the Hall of Fame. He is no longer.
A-Rod is an idol to millions of children around the world. He has also let down every one of those children.
The man cheated the rules, screwed the system, and disrespected the thousands of players that had come before him.
It is time for a major change in the American sports world.
MLB commissioner Bud Selig needs to be removed from his post. He has turned a blind eye to the so-called “Steroid Era” all so that his fellow franchise owners can make a few bucks. Selig has ruined the game of baseball.
Across the board we see athletes acting as if they can do no wrong and receive little more than a slap on the wrist. Every athlete needs to realize that with being a superstar athlete comes the responsibility to act in a manor fitting their status.
No more bong hits (Michael Phelps), no more dog fighting (Michael Vick), no more spousal abuse (Allen Iverson), and no more steroid use (far too many to list).
It is high time for harsh penalties for this behavior.
In my opinion starting immediately there needs to be mandatory drug testing for every professional athlete, at every level of competition. If an athlete tests positive for performance enhancing or recreational drugs there needs to be swift and harsh penalties up to and including banishment from the sport.
If I, or anyone else for that matter, were caught using illegal drugs at my job I would be fired immediately. Why then should a professional athlete be given four and five chances?
To every athlete:
Take responsibility for your actions.
Play by the rules.
Don’t cheat.
Respect the game you play…and most importantly
Always remember to that you’re an idol to somebody and act accordingly.
Enough is enough, the game of baseball deserves better than the shame of steroids.
Amen! I completely agree. I also think that players who sleep with underage girls should be penalized. If they are so great then they can just buck up and do their job. Yes, they are professional athletes but it's still a career and (like you said) everyone else would be fired or end up in rehab with a probation period after if they took drugs, etc.